Mining and METS

One of the world’s greatest mineral and resource provinces

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Mining and METS Industry

One of the world’s greatest mineral and resource provinces


Western Australia is abundant in a diverse range of minerals and leads the world in its capacity to identify, develop and extract deposits.

From the world’s largest fleet of automated mining trucks, to innovative software that improves safety and mine engineering, Western Australia is also a leading developer and provider of a suite of mining technical services.

The deep knowledge base and leading expertise of our mining industry will ensure Western Australia continues to drive innovation and provide world-class products.

With our mature and stable approvals systems, low sovereign risk and modern infrastructure, Western Australia is a first choice for many investors.

Quick facts

More than 50 different minerals are mined

Rated #1 for minerals exploration investment by the Fraser Institute in 2019

Half a billion metric tonnes moved through the port of Port Hedland in 2018-2019 


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Abundant and diverse minerals

Western Australia is of the world’s greatest mineral provinces with over 50 different minerals, 500 commercial projects and nearly 1,000 operating mine sites.

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World-leading projects

Hosts 9 of the world’s top 50 mineral projects, including 6 of the world’s 10 highest value projects. No other nation can claim more than one of the world’s top 10 projects.

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Innovative technology

At the forefront of the next generation of information and operational technology – from traditional software applications to remote control technologies, real time integrations and 3D mine design.

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A leader in autonomous mining with over 250 trucks in operation, 40 explosive drilling rigs and 5 long haul trains, including the world’s first automated heavy-haul, long distance rail system.

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Environmental and ethical standards

Our mining and processing industries are at the leading edge of sustainable mining, recognising that environmental accountability, social responsibility, and commercial success are inherently inseparable concepts.

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Battery minerals

Western Australia has some of the world's largest reserves of minerals used in the manufacturing of rechargeable batteries – such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, aluminium, vanadium, rare earth metals, and reserves of untapped, high-quality graphite.

Why Western Australia

In Western Australia you will find:

  • one of the largest and most diverse resource provinces in the world
  • the world’s largest deposits of iron ore
  • a long pipeline of mining projects
  • strategic industrial areas and some of the world’s largest ports
  • a strong, transparent and efficient regulatory framework focussed on maintaining environmental and ethical standards
  • a well developed legislative framework, providing process certainty and low sovereign risk
  • a globally recognised Lead Agency Framework that assigns a single department to assist and coordinate approvals for complex projects
  • a skilled workforce, with a deep knowledge base and unparalleled expertise in mining and the mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector
  • a comprehensive and innovative supply chain supporting a productive mining sector, from exploration and project development through to operations and mine closure
  • the closest capital city to the Indian Ocean rim regions of South Asia and East Africa, making Perth an ideal base for companies considering opportunities in the region.


Exploration Incentive Scheme

The Exploration Incentive Scheme supports exploration in Western Australia through precompetitive data and a co-funding program for innovative exploration drilling.

New Brine Industry

Western Australia is committed to assisting the development of the potash and minerals in brine industry, with new guidelines and reduced rental rates available.

Geological Survey WA

A hub of information for industry on geology, mining and petroleum resources, including access reports, mineral exploration, surveys, geological maps and spatial databases.

More Information


Perth robotics start-up drives global growth

Lauded as a game-changer in crane lifting automation when originally developed in 2016, award-winning Western Australian start-up Roborigger has taken their revolutionary crane technology global.


The Ministerial Council on Trade and Investment was co-hosted in Perth

Ministers, Senior Government Officials, and leaders from across the Commonwealth gathered in Perth to discuss emerging issues and investment and trade priorities.

Get in touch

If you are looking for opportunities in business, investment or trade, contact our experienced team at Invest and Trade WA. 

Our in-house experts can support you directly and provide referrals or introductions across our network of overseas offices, industry bodies and government agencies.



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