About the program

Western Australia is set to become a renowned global hub of invention, investment, innovation and impact.  

Held between 4-8 December 2023, West Tech Fest is Australia's longest-running technology and innovation conference.

This year, Invest and Trade Western Australia will be hosting a delegation of international businesses, investors and accelerators attending the conference.


Delegates are invited to participate in a bespoke program of activities, networking opportunities, site visits and an introduction to Western Australia's digital technology industry and innovation ecosystem. 






Expressions of interest are now closed

Who should attend

Who should join the mission?

We are looking for international businesses interested in exploring or expanding trade and investment opportunities in Western Australia’s digital technology and innovation sectors, including: 

  • Representatives of all tech verticals, particularly areas linked to Western Australia's priority sectors of energy, space, life sciences, defence industries, mining and METS, and primary industries 
  • Leaders and representatives from the AI, robotics, satellite applications, cyber security, cleantech and fintech sectors 
  • Startups and scaleups 
  • Incubators and accelerators
  • Venture capital investors 

What to expect?

  • Pre-departure briefing 
  • Market entry session – discover how to set up a company in Western Australia
  • Participation in the West Tech Coast event  
  • Innovation site visits 
  • International delegate briefing – everything you need to know about the Western Australian tech ecosystem 
  • International Delegates Reception 

Travel and costings

Invest and Trade Western Australia will cover the costs for bespoke program activities, including transport to site visits and passes to the West Tech Coast event.  

Travel, accommodation, on-ground expenses and passes to West Tech Fest events, other than West Tech Coast, are at the cost of the delegate. 

About West Tech Fest

West Tech Fest is Australia’s longest running technology and innovation festival held annually in Perth, Western Australia to showcase innovation, investment and entrepreneurship. The event consistently attracts an incredible line-up of global and local founders, investors, tech titans and visionaries such as Canva and Zoom lead investor Bill Tai, Blackbird Ventures Partner Rick Baker, and Angry Birds CMO Peter Vesterbacka, amongst others. 


West Tech Fest aims to raise the public profile and awareness of WA’s technology and innovation capabilities and support the positioning of Western Australia as an innovation hub. Each year, thousands of delegates from across Australia and the world congregate to discover the latest trends in building successful tech-driven businesses within our great State. 


Western Australia - the place to innovate

Woman in Innovation
Western Australia's Innovation Strategy

Innovation has been identified in Diversify WA, the WA Government's economic development framework, as a key enabler for economic growth and diversification across a range of industries in the State. In 2022, the Western Australian Government released its Innovation Strategy, which sets a 10-year vision to establish Western Australia as a global hub of invention, investment, innovation and impact.

Learn more
Startups and business
Western Australia's innovation hubs

Innovation lies at the heart of human progress and establishing innovation hubs will enable jobs and educational opportunities to grow, unlock local and global partnerships and foster creativity. Western Australia’s innovation hubs foster structured collaboration between industry, government and the community by supporting businesses, diversifying the economy and growing local jobs.

Learn more

Invest and Trade Western Australia

Invest and Trade Western Australia (ITWA) sits within the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, and operates as the 'front door' to Western Australia for overseas and interstate investors, tasked with attracting investment into the State and assisting local industry to access global markets.

ITWA is supported by a global network of investment and trade offices, which are located across 5 regional hubs: ASEAN, China, India-Gulf, North East Asia and the United Kingdom/Europe/Israel. A number of new offices are in the process of being established, including a new Americas hub.


Get in touch

If you are looking for opportunities in business, investment or trade, contact our experienced team at Invest and Trade WA.

Our in-house experts can support you directly and provide referrals or introductions across our network of overseas offices, industry bodies and government agencies.


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