About The Perth Hub

The Invest and Trade Western Australia team in Perth works in partnership with overseas office locations to coordinate ministerial missions and delegations and further strategic partnerships.

We have a Clients Services team who can help you with investment and trade opportunities in Western Australia. If you have a related enquiry complete our online form and the team can assist you! 

We speak a range of languages including English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Cantonese, Malay, Hakka, Indonesian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and French.

Contact the Perth team

Telephone: +61 (08) 6277 3000 
Email: investandtrade@jtsi.wa.gov.au


Our Deputy Director

Simone Spencer




$30 million Venture Capital Initiative

The WA Government is investing $30 million to generate additional venture capital funding in Western Australia and grow this industry. 

Despite WA's economic strength, the State's venture capital ecosystem is currently ranked second last against all jurisdictions in the country, with only 2.1 per cent of the national share.

Through a 'Fund of Funds' model, the State Government will invest in venture capital firms to leverage funding for WA-based start-ups. This new initiative builds on the successful WA Venture Support (WAVES) program, which helped 3venture capital funds establish in WA to support local innovation.

This cornerstone funding supports a minimum of 2:1 co-investment into appointed VC Funds. There are 2 streams that applicants can select: 

  1. Industry and Technology Development stream; and/or
  2. Future Health Research and Innovation stream

Applications for interested parties are open and closes on Friday 27 September. Register and submit your applications online via the Tenders WA website

More information is available on the WA Government website for the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. 




Published on: 05 September 2024

Investment attraction fund




Get in touch

If you are looking for opportunities in business, investment or trade, contact our experienced team at Invest and Trade WA.

Our in-house experts can support you directly and provide referrals or introductions across our network of overseas offices, industry bodies and government agencies.


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